It is wildly recognized that individuals perform better with coaching, and that improved performance usually translates into increased business for the organization. As a financial organization, it is important that your relationship managers are well positioned to reach their career goals while achieving success for your organization.  Reinforcing and sustaining skills learnt during in-class training are the major reasons for coaching. This is why MorganPeak is able to offer your employees with the best one-on-one and group coaching services. MorganPeak will also provide relationship managers with strengths assessments tools, support, close monitoring, and specific feedback to help build their confidence thereby unlocking their potential.

While our coaching is tailored to the interests, strengths, and challenges of the participant, we also invest significant time upfront to ensure our recommendations are consistent with the vision and values of the participant’s company. It is advisable that employees should be coached by trained and experienced facilitators like MorganPeak who can provide the necessary support required to achieve the desired individual and organization objectives.


This is focused on intensive strategic career management plan to help your relationship managers improve their engagements with both internal and external stakeholders, personal branding and become high performers in the organization. This may also apply to high performing individuals that have been identified for leadership roles or for the succession list.

Small Group

This coaching provides structured business and leadership management solutions to small groups of individuals who are currently in key roles or are positioned for new roles in the organization. At the end of the session, they are expected to be fully equipped with tools required to lead their teams successfully.


This is focused on providing tools required to successfully achieve a career transformation or transition e.g promotion or change in roles and responsibilities within or outside the organization. We offer you the opportunity to discover your callings, strengths, values and desired contribution and how you can align these to your work for a more fulfilling career.


Our CEO has years of experience in assisting various financial institutions leaders and executives execute their strategies and achieve their business objectives through strong relationship building and excellent customer service offering.

COACHING is the universal language of CHANGE and LEARNING.